Island construction in the first season

Between May and July 2022, the team built eight out of a total of 20 islands. The first island is already floating in the Krvavý pond (Jindřichův Hradec district), which is a national natural monument managed by the Agency for Nature and Landscape Protection of the Czech Republic. The other three islands are located on the Vlkovský pond owned by the Třeboň Hld. a.s. on the territory of the PLA Třeboňsko. In the North Bohemian coal basin, researchers in cooperation with the mining company Sev.en Energy have so far installed four islands, specifically on reservoirs created after mining in the vicinity of Horní Jiřetín.

The construction of the island is made up of a construction of two gabion nets that fix the coconut fiber mat. This is used for easier attachment of aquatic plants, e.g. sedges, reeds, water irises. The lightweight gabion structure has sufficient strength and durability to withstand natural conditions. It is floated and anchored to the bottom of the pond using blocks. The basic area of one island is 32 m sq. and it is made up of 16 parts with an area of 2 x 1 m. The technology of floating islands was developed as part of a previous project by project partners from the company Vodohospodářský rozvoj a výstavba a.s.

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